Monday, January 21, 2008

back east


rshelly said...

do you see these images as a "piece" or are they used to give us an idea of where you are coming from?

sanone trombone said...

I just assumed that these photos are about where you came from Shelby. And I have a lot to learn about that, and what that means to you.

But the first photo of a stairway you built, makes me realize that there has been an "elephant in the room" I hadn't thought about.

You are such a craftsman, or at least it seems to me you are, and this staircase fairly screams that!

So I guess my question is..., no are, is a care for craft just a given for you... is care for craft basic something you bring to everything you do in the same way the fact that I tend to extrapolate comes with me. Or is it instead/also a fundamental component of what you do conceptually? How much do you think about this?

Shelby said...

well the photo's are just to show you some background i suppose. a piece? sure. i compiled it. its a piece in the same sense that this interview is a piece. composed for that purpose of inspection.
i don't think i've had anything traumatic in my life that would make me want to forget my past. i wasn't abused or anything like that so i just sit here sometimes wondering what makes me me. definately not the only thing i think about but it crosses my mind a bunch. my science background makes me think of the nature and nurture side of my development pretty often.
i dont think i've been particularly hiding my abilities as a craftsman since i got here but i do know i wanted to look at other things. to answer the question, yeah, i suppose craft is a bit of a given at this point. i've woked and lived and grew up knowing so many and different kinds of them that it is just there for me. now i'm looking for other things to add to my stew i guess. i do care for craft but it is really because i enjoy a process. it is the same reason i like puzzles. and sports maybe. it is a series of very direct problems to figure out. and it requires a hands on, live-in-the-now kind of mind frame that i find soothing and meditative. but now i have this strong desire to add depth. and to figure out what the fuck that even means for me. i think on that a good bit.

Joel Garcia said...
